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Manual Osteopathic Practitioner - DOMP
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - CSCS - NSCA

New Patient Requests: Please get in touch with for further information.


Dedicated to Your Health


Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy is a holistic, whole-body approach to manual medicine.  Restoring balance within the body's framework begins with balancing each system and their interconnections. Osteopathy focuses on the balancing of the

musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, pulmonary, digestive, and lymphatic systems as well as the cranial-sacral system. By addressing all body systems, the body allows itself to heal as a unit, providing faster healing times, and sustainable treatment results.

"An osteopath is only a human engineer, who should understand all the laws governing his engine and thereby master disease."  

 -A.T. Still MD DO


Assessment and Treatment Plans

Each patient is unique and individual. Individuals experience different imbalances, it is up to the practitioner to find the root dysfunction. 

A thorough assessment and treatment plan is created for every patient. Osteopathy finds the source of the problem.


Various techniques are performed during a Manual Osteopathic treatment; soft tissue release, myofascial release, stretching, muscle activation, lymphatic drainage, visceral, and cranial therapy. 


Sarah specializes in athletics, pediatrics, and women's health issues. 



Sarah's extensive background in Strength and Conditioning allows her to acknowledge the importance of exercise to resolve pain, and improve daily performance. Sarah combines manual therapy and exercise prescription as part of her treatment plan. 

Exercise Program

Sarah conducts movement analysis and assessment separately upon request. This involves a postural assessment, movement analysis, and muscle imbalance assessment. A customized home program is created to help individuals achieve their health and performance goals. 

Fitness Testing

Sarah provides standardized fitness testing for sport teams in the area that require submission of results to athletic associations.

Please contact her for additional information.

Home: Services


Sarah is a Manual Osteopath and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She holds two Diplomas, a Bachelors Degree and various additional certifications for her profession.


Sarah takes on a comprehensive, intuitive and empathetic approach to her treatments. Sarah emphasizes and realizes the importance of combining her skills via manual osteopathy and exercise, ensuring her patients have sustainable results.   


Sarah was born and raised in the community of North Bay. She has been heavily involved in sports since the young age of two which kick-started her journey into the health field. She keeps an active role in the community by conducting volunteer fitness testing for athletic teams in the area. Sarah maintains her active lifestyle through alpine skiing, road cycling, sail racing, and strength training in the gym.

  • AdvDip, BID, CSCS, DOMP 

  • Diploma of Osteopathic Manipulative Practice; Southern Ontario College of Osteopathy 

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - NSCA

  • Advanced Diploma – Fanshawe College

  • Bachelor’s Degree - Ryerson University

  • Certified CPR C and Standard First Aid

  • National Strength and Conditioning Association – Member in Good Standing

  • National Manual Osteopathic Society - Member in Good Standing 

  • Advanced Certifications: TMJ + Vertigo, Pediatrics and Obstetrics Level I and II, Visceral Treatment

Home: About


Mon    7 45 a.m - 3:30 p.m

Tues    8 00 a.m - 5 p.m

Wed   7 45 a.m - 3:30 p.m

Thurs   8 00 a.m - 5 p.m
Fri - Only available after a holiday Monday

*Online Booking is now available!

*Extended Health Benefits Coverage is available (please check your health care plan)

*Methods of Payment; cash, credit, debit, e-transfer


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